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Code Snippet

Developer Tools Productivity Productivity
Developer: Joocode
1.99 USD

Code snippet is a handy code snippets organizer.

Supports many different language syntaxes, with code suggestions: abap, actionscript, ada, apache_conf, applescript, asciidoc, assembly_x86, autohotkey, batchfile, c_cpp, c9search, cirru, clojure, cobol, coffee, coldfusion, csharp, css, curly, d, dart, diff, django, dockerfile, dot, eiffel, ejs, elixir, elm, erlang, forth, ftl, gcode, gherkin, gitignore, glsl, golang, groovy, haml, handlebars, haskell, haxe, html_ruby, html, ini, io, jack, jade, java, javascript, json, jsoniq, jsp, jsx, julia, latex, less, liquid, lisp, livescript, logiql, lsl, lua, luapage, lucene, makefile, markdown, mask, matlab, mel, mushcode, mysql, nix, objectivec, ocaml, pascal, perl, pgsql, php, plain_text, powershell, praat, prolog, properties, protobuf, python, r, rdoc, rhtml, ruby, rust, sass, scad, scala, scheme, scss, sh, sjs, smarty, snippets, soy_template, space, sql, stylus, svg, tcl, tex, text, textile, toml, twig, typescript, vala, vbscript, velocity, verilog, vhdl, xml, xquery, yaml

Includes the ACE editor with many customizations (font size, tab size, code wrap, visible characters..) and various graphic themes available, so it can match you coding styles and editor preferences.